No: murder, rape, assault, grand theft ( petty theft acceptable), or any other felonies. The more creative the better, (If you have a not so-petty revenge, post it in /r/prorevenge!) I turned their disk upside-down in their XBox. 'You' does not have to be you personally posts relating to your friends, or good stories elsewhere on the internet, are fair game, as long as you're clear whose story it is.
(If you have planned a revenge and need feedback, might I direct you to /r/myevilplan?) Reporting someone to the an authority like the police is not revenge, it is simply just reporting someone to an authority. Karma =/= Revenge Someone has wronged you, but you got your revenge, oh yes, you got your revenge. Do not ask for help to enact some sort of petty revenge! This includes telling a story and ending with 'What would you have done?', 'What are your thoughts?', 'Any other ideas?' All direct and indirect requests for ideas will result in a ban.